Les regions de france pdf

I used this map as a starter task as part of the unit 5 from the aqa gcse theme 2 topic on my region a complement to kerboodle textbook page 90. Liste des departements 01 ain 02 aisne 03 allier 04 alpesdehauteprovence 05 hautesalpes 06 alpesmaritimes 07 ardeche. Lilles carnivals and street market are the chance to try the best chips in france, before sauntering to the cote dopale. Les departements ont ete crees en france le 15 janvier 1790. Fortdefrance 972 cayenne saintdenis mamoudzou 976 974 973. Carte avec les regions, prefectures, numeros et noms des departements.

Les 16 autres anciennes regions ont en revanche fusionne en 7 nouvelles. Nordpasdecalais et picardie, bassenormandie et hautenormandie. As mentioned above, deletion of one or more local levels is being debated in france for several years and especially the option to remove maps department level. Use rough guides maps to explore all the regions of france. The 1jour, 1 question video is about the old regions but can be used as an extension. It could also be used for any explanation about france and its geography. Les departements francais houdry en brie, articles pdf. By the end of the process, france will have only seventeen regions rather than the twentysix that it has.

Normandie, hautsdefrance, grandest, nouvelleaquitaine, occitanie, bourgognefranchecomte, auvergnerhonealpes. Les fleuves, les zones demploi, les academies, les vignobles, les routes. Hautsdefrance region is dotted with cathedrals, bell towers and citadels, and its plains bear witness to its mining history. France is divided into 18 administrative regions french.

From the tempting smell of freshly baked baguettes and the first sip of fruity beaujolais, to the bustle of colourful markets and the sight of locals playing petanque in the village square, france is bursting with iconic images and delicious cuisine. Pupils would need to have accesss to the internet to explore websites about tourism in france a link is given in this activity and make their own presentation of a french region, or to be given printed sheets about the regions. The maps are sourced from the internet and are credited on the sheet. Cartes modifiables a telecharger gratuitement aux formats illustrator, jpeg, photoshop, word office. Basseterre fortdefrance 972 cayenne saintdenis mamoudzou 976 974 973. Depuis 1982, les departements sont regroupes en 22 regions administratives. Les fichiers au format pdf sont modifiables avec adobe illustrator cs5. Departements etrangers prefectures pays actuels apennins 1802 chiavari italie.

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